
Monday, June 13, 2011

What I think about Dead Island

    Dead Island looks like a good zombie game. And i'm a zombie fan. So by the looks of it and the gameplay. It looks alright. It kind of look like Dead Rising 2 where you have to make weapons aand rescue survivors. But its a good thing that theres no time limit and you can do anything you want on the island. Which i really like. And its on first person unlike Dead rising 2 its 3rd person. But its nice they kinda made it like Left for dead. But there sort of comepletly different because theres barely guns in Dead Paradise. But i kinda dont like the fact that theres different kind of zombies in my opinion. I just like just one type of zombie thats just slow and stupid and theres hordes of them everywhere. I also sort of dont like that your weapons can break but im okay with that as long as it takes a long time for the weapons to break. Im really excited for This game to come out. It will be totally fun for everybody especially the zombie fans.

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